With the rising trend of online business many people have diverted toward online blogging. It is quite simple to begin a blog but the thing which is difficult to get is the high page ranking. New webmasters must have an idea about some basic of search engine optimization and online marketing otherwise they will be unable to drive sufficient traffic toward their blogs. Today, I’m going to highlight some basic points related to SEO which help you to get high blog ranking.
Blog Post Optimization
The most important part of your blog is “blog post” because you do all marketing for getting attention to it. The reason behind low ranking in search engine is that the bloggers are not paying much attention to blog post optimization. So how can you do this? Quite simple, just you need to keep in mind four basic things of SEO.
Title of Blog Post
It is indeed the most important part of blog post therefore you need to optimize it fist. Always go for short title or a title less than 115 characters. It has been observed many times that the readers like to open a page with short title than that of a long one. Second thing that you must consider while writing a title is to add important keyword phrase in it. For example if your website is related to shopping then use keyword phrase “online shopping discount” in the title as there are a number of people who want to get some discount in shopping and therefore they enter this phrase into search engine. Some writer filled the title with a number of keyword while it a wrong approach and surely come with bad result. Use one or two keyword in a natural way.
Header Tags of Blog Post
Search engines like Google, Bing and yahoo check the header of each page to get an idea what this page is about. So it would be better for you to add three to four relevant keywords in the header of each blog post. Undoubtedly, addition of relevant keywords in the header will bring some improvement in your blog ranking. Furthermore, header tags will also tell the visitors about the subject matter of your blog post. They will easily get an idea whether there is useful information for them or not.
Body of Blog Post
whenever you are going to compose the body of content then you should try to add some relevant keyword phrases into the body of blog posts. You can add two more keywords into the body. However, it is strongly recommended that you avoid keyword stuffing. Add important keywords in a natural manner so that reader feels interest in the content.
Audio/Video/Image File of Blog Post
you often add audio, video or image for grabbing the attention of reader toward your post. Normally you insert the multi-media content file into the body without making any modification which is not the right way. Addition of keyword into multi-media file is as important as in title, header and body of your blog post. So add some relevant keyword into the file name and alternate txt of your image, audio and video file.
If you will compose a blog post after considering these basic things then it is quite certain that Search Engine will give a good rank to your blog. Just update your blog on the daily basis and then get some results in the form of steady earning.
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