Monday, 24 October 2011

Why Does Twitter Shows White Whale Page

What Is Over Capacity?: Are you a twitter enthusiast and tweets often? If so, you could have seen a white whale page occasionally between your daily tweet activity. Technically, the White whale page represents http 503 error code page and refers that twitter server has down or site temporarily unavailable to accept your tweets. The exact message you may encounter as follows ”Twitter is over capacity, “Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again”.
Per most logged issues, this issue may encounter when try to change your account background image, upload profile picture or tweeting at high traffic time. So what is happening at twitter?
Well. We know every site requires maintenance. Similarly social networking platforms also requires adequate maintenance activity since handling ample data volume at every seconds. A week before twitter has celebrated 100 million active users and ranked as planet’s one of the largest virtual data handler spot. Incredible traffic! However, the success has its own cost for its loving micro bloggers community as bundled with this kind of technical overload issues.
Twitter Log Status: Twitter trying to concentrate such issues very keen and upgrade their networking capabilities by several ways to provide enhanced service. Per twitter forum update, most micro blogger’s  happened to come across or have more chances to occur such scenarios frequently of late hours due to severe traffic. If you wish, you can follow twitter status logs too.
Root Cause: Globally, micro blogging becomes life fashion and tweet ratio growing very rapid at every second. Maintaining user accounts, hardware, software, network and server activity become monster and requires enormous technical power. There are occasions like when sensational news outspread across the planet, twitter kind of virtual network become very hot podium to share information. For instance new product launch, weather, tremor, celebrity lurid info and so on. Anything happens interesting globally, first hit will be twitter kind of social network after news channels.
Being said, twitter keep improving their hardware and software networking patterns to minimize their outages, but still overloading is inevitable. Also, Twitters 140 characters restriction per post fueling enough for the increased traffic since tweet passionate community keep tweeting often to flush out their mind and the platform always become more hot.

How to Handle White Whale? What should you do if you happened to come across white whale page? Simple. Just close the browser for 10 minute and concentrate on other activities. I mean to point, we have nothing to do with this outages since related to twitter network. The great thing is, the outage may sustain only for few minutes and twitter returns to normal. I would suggest, When you get stumble similar situations, just empty your browser cache if it consumes more downtime to reload the page. Just have a try.
 After internet evolution, web user community has growing very rapidly and every system requires enough maintenance and consequent upgrade to keep it alive and more users friendly. I am confident twitter can easily over come such issues down the road.


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